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1) Which one is correct about Christian Chaplaincy Ministry
2) __________________ is not a type of Cbaplaincy
3) Which one is correct about IFCCI
4) Write out the full meaning of IFCCI
5) Write out the full meaning of ICCA
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1) Morals are directly linked to Conscience, but also like Ethics, it can vary from culture to culture.
2) Christian Morals are based on Biblical Morals.
3) Christian Ethical Standards are independent of the changes and customs of our Society.
4) ………………. established the FIRST ethical standards given by GOD to Man.
5) We will maintain ……………in dealing with any issue.
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1. A Chaplain role is pastoral, prophetic and priestly
2. A pluralistic environment is a group of people that comprises of various religions, ethnics racial political group,
5. Character, Knowledge and Skills are very important on fielf of Evangelism and Foreign Missions.